How to pitch yourself as a podcast guest

November 11, 2023

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Today’s episode is all about how to pitch yourself as a guest on podcasts. I’ve been asked about this a ton in my DMs, so I share my experience of being a guest on other podcasts and the benefits of exposing myself to new audiences. Positioning your business in a place that allows you to be seen for months and years to come in podcasts episodes can make a huge impact. I also share six tips on how to pitch yourself. In sharing these tips, I use both the perspective of pitching myself and being pitched to by others wanting to be a guest on Radical Disruption.

I walk through the different reasons I believe being a podcast guest is so powerful:

  • Expand your reach
  • Networking opportunities
  • Credibility and authority
  • Brand exposure
  • Learning experience
  • Thought leadership
  • Engaging with potential fans and community
  • Collaboration

Six tips on how to pitch yourself:

  1. Posting and showing up consistently on your own social media
  2. Research the podcast
  3. Send examples of past podcasts or long form content you have done
  4. Are you an expert in what it is you do? Share info on yourself, why you are beneficial to their podcast
  5. Pitch to be on a podcast that is going to be beneficial for you and not just the host
  6. Make sure you follow up if you don’t get a response

why be a podcast guest???

1. **Expand Your Reach**: Being a guest on someone else’s podcast exposes you to a new audience that might not be familiar with you or your work, allowing you to reach a broader and more diverse group of people.

2. **Networking Opportunities**: Podcasting is a powerful networking platform. By appearing as a guest, you have the chance to connect with the podcast host and their audience, as well as other guests who may be in your field of interest.

3. **Credibility and Authority**: Being invited as a guest indicates that you have valuable insights and expertise in your field. This can enhance your credibility and position you as an authority in your industry or niche.

4. **Brand Exposure**: Podcasts often have their own established brand and reputation. Associating yourself with a reputable podcast can positively impact your personal brand and reputation as well.

5. **Content Repurposing**: Podcast episodes can be repurposed into other forms of content, such as blog posts or social media snippets. This allows you to maximize the value of your appearance and reach an even wider audience.

6. **Learning Experience**: Preparing for and participating in a podcast interview can be a valuable learning experience. It challenges you to articulate your ideas concisely and think on your feet, improving your communication skills.

7. **Thought Leadership**: Sharing your knowledge and insights on a podcast can position you as a thought leader in your industry. This can lead to more speaking opportunities, media coverage, and collaborations.

8. **Engagement with Fans and Followers**: Appearing on a podcast can be a great way to engage with your existing fanbase or followers. It offers them a chance to hear your thoughts and ideas in a different format.

9. **Mutual Benefit**: Collaboration is often a two-way street. By being a guest on someone else’s podcast, you provide them with valuable content for their show, which can foster a mutually beneficial relationship.

10. **Personal Growth and Confidence**: Public speaking and sharing your ideas on a public platform can boost your confidence and help you grow personally and professionally.


1- make sure that you are posting and showing up consistently on social media. most podcast hosts (or their team) will check to see if you have an engaged audience and are reaching people. part of collaborating is reaching new audiences and the way that a podcast gets more reach is by you sharing about your guest episode

2- research the podcast so you can understand the format, audience, topics, and mission of the podcast – then cater your pitch to those things

3 when you send a pitch email I highly recommend sending over examples of past podcast episodes you’ve done, ideas on topics you think would be beneficial for the podcast (based on number

2), your bio/background, and how you can benefit the hosts listeners

4- are you an expert in what you do? If that isn’t clear from your website and social media account then the host isn’t going to want to bring you on. On top of that though, make sure that you have a unique perspective/positioning that relates to your expertise – this will help you stand out and allow the host to see how your story can resonate with their listeners

5 make sure that you are pitching to be on a podcast that is actually going to be beneficial for you (& not just the host). does the podcast have consistent listeners? are the listeners your ideal audience?

6- follow up if you don’t get a response! people get busy so a reminder is great!

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Are you wanting to make waves in your industry, push the envelope, and change the way things are done in a radical way? Are you looking for tangible, tactical, and actionable steps that will help you build a sustainable business that stands out? You’re in the right place!

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Nursing student turned business and social media expert, host Mya Nichol (hey that’s me!) shares the real and raw of the crazy journey of entrepreneurship and building a multi-six figure business.

Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you can expect honest conversations around throwing out the traditional way of business, scaling in a sustainable way, and becoming the go to expert in your industry. It’s time to build a disruptive business. See you on Tuesdays!

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