5 ways to systemize your business

November 11, 2023

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In today’s episode we dive into 5 ways to systemize your business. Systems are simply organized processes for how your business operates. These can be performed by human beings or they can be automated. If you’re repeating the same tasks over and over again and it’s not efficient or you’re struggling to work less, you need systems. Systemizing your business leads to efficiency and that means you get more done in less time! That’s everyone’s goal, right?!

I expand more on these 5 different systems to implement in your business:

  1. SOP (standard operating procedure)
  2. CRM (customer relationship management)
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Communication/Customer Support
  5. Project Management/Task Management

what are systems?

systems are just simply organized processes (think step by step) for how your business operates — these can be performed by people (you or a team) or can be automated. automations are a type of system but not all systems have to be or should be automated. 

why systemize?

if you’re repeating the same tasks over and over again and it’s not efficient, if you’re struggling to work less, or if you’re looking to outsource but don’t know how or where to start then you need systems. without systems you will not be able to scale your business without burning out or being stressed 24/7

systemizing your business leads you to efficiency and efficiency means you get more done in less time and also reduce the amount of mistakes that are made with tasks

Alright here are 5 systems I recommend having in your business (this is not an all inclusive list for systems – there are SOOOO many systems that you can implement but I feel like these are the BIG ones to focus on):

1- Create SOPs (standard operating procedures) for things like failed payments, handling hard customers, navigating refund requests, reduces mistakes, etc

this allows you to set up systems that not only speed up your time but are great to have when you have a team

2- CRM: Customer relationship management — this is especially important if you’re working 1:1 with your customers because it’ll allow you to streamline the entire process of working with them from start to finish. including collecting payment, signing contracts, checkin emails, book etc.

calendar booking/management — use something like calendly to systemize bookings for guest speaking, discovery calls, 1:1 calls, podcast interviews, etc

you can use a system like dubsado or honey book to do this so using a CRM is actually a way to systemize a bunch of aspects of your business

3- email marketing: set up an email sequence that is connected to a freebie opt in form – this is an automated way to provide value and warm up leads + sell your offers. you can semi-automate weekly newsletters by scheduling them after batching them

4- communication/customer support: keep all of your communication with clients in one place if possible so you’re not in 50 places. also, you can have AI set up to help with customer support and 

5- project management or task management: this is SO important so you don’t start each day asking “what should I do today?” and also so you don’t skip over important things that you are supposed to get done. this is also important to have in place for when you hire

this looks like having a platform where all of your tasks are managed like clickup, asana, or trello and then what is your process for going through tasks — from initial idea to execution

for example if you are having to edit a podcast, what is the process that you need to go through to get that podcast live from outlining to recording to editing to having the podcast go live — implement a system for your tasks. you can do this for content creation, emails, pitching brands, etc

alright the last thing I have to share about systems is that this is the non-glamorous work that most business owners don’t want to do because it takes time and effort but it’s vital for scaling and being able to hire and not burn out. 

my challenge for you is to take on one of these system tasks this week and get your ducks in a row! note: i said one not all 5 — bite size pieces

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Nursing student turned business and social media expert, host Mya Nichol (hey that’s me!) shares the real and raw of the crazy journey of entrepreneurship and building a multi-six figure business.

Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you can expect honest conversations around throwing out the traditional way of business, scaling in a sustainable way, and becoming the go to expert in your industry. It’s time to build a disruptive business. See you on Tuesdays!

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